Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What's the best website to sell textbooks on?

I'm trying to sell my old textbooks and I don't know which site is the best for that. For anyone whose had experience with this, which site have you had the most success with? I want to make as much money back as possible. I've tried eBay and it was ok. I was wondering if there is anything better, or is eBay the best option?

Thanks for your help =)What's the best website to sell textbooks on?
Try or, put if you dont want to go thru all the hassle see want buy back companies are willing to pay. %26amp; are good places to see the buyback comparisons.
I would also suggest selling your college textbooks at

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What's the best website to sell textbooks on?
To be honest I've had some amazing success with I use their iPhone/iPod Touch app to sell my books but you can use their site as well. They search all the online textbook resellers to find you the most you can get for your money. The app is free and works quite well, along with their site, so I'd deff recommend looking into it! Good luck!What's the best website to sell textbooks on?
Try Craigslist or your school book store.
either or

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