Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do you engineers sometimes open up your college textbooks because you need to recall something for work?

This question is for engineers. How often do you consult your calculus, diff. eq, or linear algebra textbooks at work?Do you engineers sometimes open up your college textbooks because you need to recall something for work?

I was told by my Profs to keep all my textbooks for future reference (way back before internet). I don't think that I have opened a single math text since, though. I have used my old physics books, fluids, heat transfer, thermo, machine design....actually I have used one math book a bit and that was statistics.

Good Luck
College texts are mostly full of trivia. Computers can do the trivia far cheaper, quicker and more accurately than people.

Find the books that you can read and re-read for the next 20 or 30 years, to develop some real insight into your subject.

Don't worry if those books were written 50, 100, or even 500 years ago. Real deep insight never goes out of date.Do you engineers sometimes open up your college textbooks because you need to recall something for work?
not really. we are used to a set of tasks that are performed everyday, so they don't help anymore. now it's all the real business. you actually need to understand the physics more importantly, coz the math is done by computers. i test small aircraft components in my work. it is practical based. i call my team and we do it together. there is no need for recalls here. you just do trial and error, more rigorous testing etc..computers have changed the world of engineering now. they do everything.Do you engineers sometimes open up your college textbooks because you need to recall something for work?
Never, Sell them while you can still get your money back, you can always buy your addition for pennys on the dollar when they come out with a 'new' version. Also, has poppped up today, a version of mathmatica. This is much better then any text book I've ever had....
Those textbooks no. But some of the circuits books I've used once and a while, more for transformers and motors and stuff, but it's nothing that can't be found on the internet with a quick search.
I hang onto the circuit design books because I occasionally refer to them. It's always good to have samples/examples of basic solid state ckts. But I've tossed the Calc and DiffEq stuff.
no, I tossed those long ago.

You can find what you need online.


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